Last thursday I went into my backyard about 3:30 pm and there were trails in the sky:
A little to the left of that pic you can see another one just starting in the lower center:
It is a shame.
Here I will share not only my experiences with my vintage Etsy shop, in which I sell jewelry, china tea cups, old pottery, paintings, vintage furniture, to name a few of the wide variety of items, but also my interests, beliefs and anything interesting I come across on the web. My posts will include spiritual subjects. I believe in Jesus and believe that God and the angels have played and do play an important role in what I experience in life. Because life is a spiritual experience. .
Just looked out my window to see a Thick trail streaked across the night sky running southwest curving eastward across the moon. Another running south to north intersecting the first one that I mentioned. This has been heavy throughout the day in the outskirts of Erie, PA. Very troubling.