Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Prayers & Support for Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis!

Today Ken Ham debated Bill Nye the Science Guy on the origins of the universe.
It depends upon which article you read who won the debate.

I believe in Creationism. I believe in a young earth.

I believe that God, and Jesus, created EVERYTHING.

It is in my heart.

And my eyes tell me so.

I believe that we are all children of God, our Heavenly Father. And that the earth is a school to which we have all chosen to come. With a mission. Each of us has a mission. A mission we agreed to before we came.

I first learned of Ken Ham in the 1990's when I would watch "Origins" on sunday afternoons on the local religious channel, channel 40, in Pittsburgh, PA. The late Russ Bixler, founder of channel 40, hosted the show and Ken Ham was one of his guests.

I loved the show. It was very interesting and made me want to learn more.

*******I have no idea in the world how any scientist could be an atheist!! Could not believe in a Creator!*************

Although I did not continue learning about creation science since those days in the 1990's, I have always believed, and will always believe, that

God created the universe.

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