Friday, September 13, 2013

Low Etsy search views again, the new normal?

Here at nearly 7:30 I have only 153 views from Etsy search.  The drop continues. Only a couple days of normal or average views from etsy search in the past 2 weeks.

Wonder if it had to do with my speaking out on the forums???

This is appearing to be the new normal.  Not sure if they will come back to where they were for christmas.  Normal would actually be for me to have more views than I had just about all of this year.  Normal in nov & dec would be most days in the 300's and 400's and even exceed what I had last year when I had days in the 440's in december.


  1. I am having the same problem and so are a lot of others. I have two Etsy shops, and the views have dropped to dismal levels, not to mention sales. I'd love to know what is going on.

  2. I am having the same problem and so are a lot of others. I have two Etsy shops, and the views have dropped to dismal levels, not to mention sales. I'd love to know what is going on.

  3. Hi, Cynthia.

    Sorry to hear you are going through this too. My drop in total views I blame on the new listing page. It is terrible for shops that sell a variety of items, vintage or handmade. It pretty much holds them captive to that page and/or section.

    My drop in Etsy search views, I am not sure what is causing that?? It does seem alot of shops have experienced the drop starting early this month. It could be Etsy? The economy? A combination of Google & Etsy?

    It has also been mentioned in the forums that vintage & jewelry are not able to be browsed on Iphones. And Etsy has said that 40% of recent purchases have been through mobile devices. So that is bad news. They have also said they are working on a fix that should be in place this fall.

    Thanks for visiting and posting on my blog. I hope this is only temporary and things pick up for us and we have a successful holiday season.

