Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rainbow Brittany was wrong. She did get 1 out of 2.

When I first started using the internet back in october 2000 I googled "angel websites" and found AngelHaven. I started going on the chat room.

I met Rainbow Brittany. She said she gave readings.

So in the beginning of 2002 she gave me a reading and told me 2 things I remember. 1 of which turned out to be true.

She said "You are a healer. With your hands."

She also said, "your voice will change the world." Something like that.

I didn't believe her at first about my hands. I even sent her an angry email stating I am not a healer.

Some time after that when I got in touch with her and apolgized she said my email greatly affected her and she considered not using her gift to hear the angels any more. She said she had forgiven me, but would not give me another reading.

Yes, I eventually found out that I can heal with my hands. I have used my hands on myself many times. First starting around october 2005.

But my voice has not changed the world. Unless she means by talking on the phone long distance with the people I have talked with.

I have been told I have a sexy speaking voice on the phone. And the girls I have talked long distance with have liked it. Maybe my long distance relationships have had some affect where I "changed the world.". Otherwise, my voice won't change the world.

Oh well. Back to work on my vintage Etsy shop. lol.

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